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Writer's pictureKimberly Kayler

Personalization is key to customer service

A recent Forbes article noted that personalization continues to be a major driver in the customer experience. At AOE, we couldn’t agree more. As you kick-off your customer

experience efforts, we encourage you to consider the following thoughts.

“The bar for what is expected in customer service continues to rise as customers today demand the hyper-personalization of everything,” said Marcela. “Personalization is what happens when an organization leverages a deep understanding of customer preferences, structured and unstructured customer data, conversations in and across all channels. We can anticipate a customers’ needs and wants and tailor the experience.”

If personalization is in fact key, how do you pull it off? Organizations must be able to identify areas of growth and improvements, she said. And, personalization does not mean anti-technology. In fact, technology has made it easier to track customer preferences. The data gathered provides insight into trends and customer expectations. Personalized services create a better customer experience as we can customize the customer experience to fit the individual.

For example, for one AOE client, we customized our membership products to include areas of the industry. Segmentation of the membership allows us to customize communication, provide network opportunities and tailor educational seminars.

Interested in discussing how you can raise the bar in customer service and the customer experience this year? Contact us today!

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